Listen to David Bowie Impersonate a Host of Famous Musicians

It’s only fitting that David Bowie—a musician famous for having multiple alter egos—could also masterfully assume the identities of other rockers. Rolling Stone recently posted this 1985 outtake of the late artist impersonating a host of other famous musicians, including Bruce Springsteen, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, Tom Waits, and Anthony Newley.

Bowie recorded several versions of a tune, and each one boasts an alternate set of lyrics and is sung (or, in true Waits style, growled) in a way that mimics the Starman’s artistic contemporaries.

Sound engineer Mark Saunders was on hand to immortalize the session, and it eventually ended up in the possession of Zach Staggers, a drummer for Brooklyn indie group the So So Glos. After Bowie’s death, the two fans reconnected over the recording. Learn more about its backstory over at Rolling Stone, or listen to Bowie’s spot-on mimicry above.

[h/t Rolling Stone]