7 Kids Who Wrote Letters to the People in Charge

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When adults write letters to companies, they often go ignored and unanswered. But when a kid picks up a crayon and throws in some adorable misspellings, the letter makes an impression. Check out these seven kids who went straight to the source when they saw a problem or had a question—and see how the companies handled it.


A 7-year-old Padawan named Colin was deeply disturbed that Jedi Knights aren’t allowed to get married. Instead of just accepting the status quo, Colin decided to take up his case with the man in charge: George Lucas. Last year, he dropped a handwritten note to Lucasfilm, saying, “I want to get married without becoming a Sith. Please change the rule.”

Much to Colin’s excitement, Lucasfilm responded. “It sounds like the Force is strong with you, and you are showing great wisdom by asking your question," the letter read. "When you find someone that you can connect to in a selfless way, then you are on the path of the light, and the dark side will not take hold of you. With this goodness in your heart, you can be married.”

You can see Colin opening his package below:


In 2015, 8-year-old Sophia Trow visited Clarks Shoes with her mother to get some new shoes for school. She spied some kicks with dinosaurs on them, but when she asked to try them on, the salesclerk told Sophia that the shoes were made for boys and wouldn’t work for the “female bone structure.” Sophia went home and picked up a pen, writing, “Why can’t girls have dinosaur shoes? I like dinosaurs and fossils, so I think other girls might as well.” Clarks responded to Sophia and apologized for the clerk’s actions, saying that the “Stomposaurus” shoes can be worn by anyone, and that a range of unisex shoes was underway.


In 2014, 7-year-old Charlotte went to the store and wasn’t happy with the options she found there for girls—so she let the company know:

“I don’t like that there are more lego boy people and barely any lego girls. ... All the girls did was sit at home, go to the beach, and shop, and they had no jobs but the boys went on adventures, worked, saved people, and had jobs, even swam with sharks. I want you to make more lego girl people and let them go on adventures and have fun ok!?!”

LEGO agreed. “We have been very focused on including more female characters and themes that invite even more girls to build,” they wrote back. About a month later, they released images of the Research Institute, a set created by geophysicist Ellen Kooijman. It includes female paleontologists, astronomers, and chemists, as well as accessories such as a dinosaur model, a telescope, and a lab kit.



kattybopatty via Imgur

Someday, Dexter Walters wants to go to Mars. When he heard about the possibility of a future mission to the planet, he went straight to the source to ask what he can do to improve his chances for being chosen in the future. “I heard that you are sending two people to Mars and I would like to come, but I’m 7, so I can’t,” he wrote in a 2013 letter to NASA. “I would like to come in the future. What do I need to do to become an astronaut?"

Two weeks later, he had a response. NASA sent all kinds of Mars goodies, including pictures of the planet and the Curiosity Rover. “Just think—in a few years, you could be one of the pioneers that may help lead the world's activities for better understanding our earth and for exploring space," they wrote back.


In 2014, a little girl named Katie was sad that her dad didn’t seem to be home much because he spent a lot of time at work. So, she grabbed a teal crayon and wrote his boss at Google a letter. “Dear google worker,” she wrote:

“Can you please make sure when daddy goes to work, he gets one day off. Like he can get a day off on wednsday. Because daddy ONLY gets a day off on Saterday. P.S. It is daddy’s BIRTHDAY! P.P.S. It is Summer, you know”

Katie’s letter worked. Her dad’s boss replied and agreed that her father had been working hard and deserved some time off; as a result, Google gave him the whole first week of July as bonus vacation time.


When her daddy started coming home later and later every night last year, 6-year-old Ella Porter from East Sussex, England, asked Southern Rail to cut it out:

“Dear Mr. Railway man My daddy is always late home and I miss him very much because he always used to tuck me into bed and this makes me upset. Please get him home on time. Daddy says you take all his money, that is why I can’t go to Disney Land. I really want to go to Disney Land.”

Southern Rail felt bad about the situation, apologizing for the delays. “Trains for Victoria and London Bridge travel over the most congested part of the whole of Britain’s railway network,” they explained. “We and Network Rail are determined to improve the situation and have made some additional changes to the timetable today to help with this.”


In 2013, 6-year-old Walker Greentree was playing with his friend when his mom told them to quiet down. “Be quiet like a [Navy] SEAL,” she told them. Walker’s friend responded that ninjas can be more silent than SEALs, so Walker decided to investigate. He wrote to then-head of U.S. Special Ops Admiral William McRaven to ask, and also wondered how long McRaven could hold his breath. Admiral McRaven didn’t disappoint, sending Walker a special coin along with a note:

“I think ninjas are probably quieter than SEALs, but we are better swimmers, and also better with guns and blowing things up. I can hold my breath a long time, but I try not to unless I really have to. Remember, if you want to be a SEAL, you must do two things: listen to your parents and be nice to the other kids. If you do that then you can probably be a SEAL too.”