Meet Peanut: The Adorable, One-Horned 'Ewe-Nicorn' Sheep
Posted by Hartcliffe Community Farm on Monday, April 4, 2016
We already know that real-life "unicorns" once roamed the earth (in the form of a prehistoric, hairy rhinoceros), but to see one today you'll need to travel to the Hartcliffe Community Farm in Bristol, England. There you'll find Peanut, a 16-year-old, one-horned sheep that's been drawing curious crowds to the farm for years.
As reported by The Yorkshire Post, Peanut first achieved "unicorn" status during a trip to a local school in her younger days. A student volunteered to help put her away and inadvertently snapped off one of her horns in the process. "She's quite happy with the one horn," Peanut's caretaker, 85-year-old Charlie Tucker said in an interview with The Yorkshire Post. "It hasn't affected her at all."
That little accident turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to the farm. After Peanut gained attention online, people started coming from all over to see the one-horned wonder in person. "There's quite a few people that didn't know this farm existed until it went online," Tucker told The Yorkshire Post. Now, as many as 200 people a day come to visit, and they're all looking for Peanut.
In addition to her mythical appearance, Peanut is also remarkable for being one of the country's oldest Jacob sheep (some of which have up to six horns). She'll often make visits up to Mr. Tucker's hut for boiled sweets and cups of tea. (If that's not adorable enough for you, be sure to watch the interview with Tucker over at The Yorkshire Post. It'll charm the wool pants right off of you.)
Ewe-nicorn Meet Peanut, Bristol's very own ewe-nicorn! Posted by ITV Westcountry on Wednesday, April 6, 2016
[h/t Yorkshire Post]
Header/banner images courtesy Hartcliffe Community Farm via Facebook.