Woman In New Zealand Returns Library Book That Was 68 Years Overdue

Epsom Community Library on Facebook
Epsom Community Library on Facebook / Epsom Community Library on Facebook

It's not that unusual to have an overdue library book on your record, but waiting nearly seven decades to return it will definitely raise some eyebrows. As the Daily Mail reports, a woman recently walked into a New Zealand library to return a book she had checked out 68 years prior. Better late than never.

The Auckland, New Zealand Epsom Community Library shared a photo on Facebook of the overdue book's library slip, last stamped December 17, 1948. The woman had borrowed Myths and Legends of Maoriland by A.W. Reed as a child, but when she moved away from Auckland, she accidentally took it with her. "She has only recently been able to come back visiting other family and so was finally able to bring the book back," librarian Zoe Cornelius told NZ Herald. "I thought it was fantastic she had brought it back for us."

After 68 years, fines for the overdue book would have amounted to more than $24,000 if they were being calculated at Auckland libraries' current rate of $1 for each past-due day. Because she was a child when the book was checked out, the library graciously waived the fine. They even commended her on Facebook, saying the book is "in excellent well-read condition," despite being "a fair few years overdue."

This delinquent reader is in good company: Turns out plenty of people return books long after their due dates.

[h/t Daily Mail]