Woman Names Son 'Saw Jet Star' After Giving Birth on a Jetstar Plane

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Some parents name their children after planets, video game characters, or Instagram filters, while others take their cues from the friendly skies. CNN reports that one woman gave her son the unusual moniker "Saw Jet Star" after she unexpectedly gave birth on a Jetstar Asia flight from Singapore to Myanmar last week.

A team of three doctors and crew delivered baby Saw Jet Star not long after the 3-hour flight landed in the Myanmar city of Yangon on April 22. Weighing in 6 pounds, 7 ounces, he made a grand entrance: the entire plane burst into applause after the delivery, Singapore’s Straits Times newspaper writes.

Now, "both mother and son are in good health and have been discharged from the local hospital in Yangon," Jetstar Asia said in a Facebook post this week.

The mother’s identity hasn’t been made public. However, the Straits Times reports that she’s a Myanmar native, and part of her own name is Star. The mother was so impressed with the care she received that she decided to add "Jet" to her son's name to honor of the airline. The baby's first moniker, Saw, pays tribute to Saw Ler Htu, the flight staffer who organized the delivery, the New York Daily News reports.

Since Saw Jet Star is the first baby to be delivered on a Jetstar Asia flight, the airline is donating about $744 worth of baby supplies to the family. Will Saw Jet Star also get free air travel for life? Probably not, according to CNN. In 1990, a woman named Debbie Owen gave birth to a daughter while flying from Ghana to London on a British Airways flight. The airline gave free plane tickets to Owen’s daughter, Shona, on her 18th birthday. All the other flights she's taken, she's had to pay for.

[h/t CNN]