You started the new year with the best intentions, but somehow life just got in the way of your fitness goals. The gym was packed, your kids were sick, you worked too late, it was raining—the excuses are easy to come by. But you can still do this! You don’t need to rely on pricey classes and personal trainers to get fit this year, all you need is your phone and a little bit of motivation. We’ve compiled a list of 10 of the best free apps to get you moving this winter.

is one of the original fitness tracking apps, but don’t write it off just because it’s not the "hot new thing" anymore. Runkeeper allows you to set goals, create a fitness plan, and then track your runs, walks, and cycling sessions with your phone's GPS system. It's the perfect tool for staying accountable and motivated, since you can track your progress over time as well as connect with friends in order to cheer (or heckle) each other on.
No time to exercise? Forget hour-long spin classes and 10 mile runs. All you need for an effective workout is a chair and seven minutes. The Johnson & Johnson Official 7 Minute Workout helps you squeeze fitness into your day when it works for you. If you choose to include the warm up and cool down sections, each workout is about 11 minutes. You can choose the intensity level, and the app will coach you through the entire workout.
If you’ve ever dreamed of a world where you're rewarded for choosing carrot sticks over doughnuts and you actually get paid to work out, the Pact app could be for you. This free app allows you to commit to a set workout schedule or health goal each week—and then you bet (with real money) that you'll be able to follow through. If you don’t hit your goal, your credit card gets charged. If you crush it, you'll reap the rewards (financed by other app users who didn't achieve their goals). Finally some motivation you can take to the bank!
YouTube sensation Cassey Ho's energy and spunk will distract you from the fact that your abs are on fire during her pilates-inspired workout videos. The free Blogilates app provides workout videos, recipes, and a supportive community forum, and you can always upgrade to receive weekly workout schedules for $0.99 per month.

combines the ease and convenience of a typical fitness tracker with the warm fuzzies of doing something good for others. Just open the app any time you set off on a run or walk to get coffee and you’ll earn money for the charity of your choice (choose from over 30) for each mile you move. The app has already raised over $2 million from its sponsors.

If you’re tired of hitting the snooze button five times every morning, check out the Yoga Wake Up app. It’s designed to help you ease into your day by providing free yoga routines that you can do right from your bed. The 10-minute audio classes lead you as you set a daily intention, stretch, stretch, and meditate. You may even start looking forward to that alarm going off.
Find it: iOS
Do you love to run but have a bad habit of quitting halfway through your planned route? The Zombies, Run! app keeps you moving by putting a pack of blood-thirsty zombies hot on your trail. It streams your usual running music, but when you hear zombies running and breathing down your neck, you know it’s time to pick up the pace. The game even allows you to collect supplies and help fellow apocalypse survivors.

Let’s be honest: Getting fit and staying healthy is not all about the workouts. If you celebrate your five-mile run by wolfing down an entire pizza, you’re not going to hit your goals. The MyFitnessPal app helps marry your nutrition and exercise goals. This tracking app allows you to log your workouts as well as all your meals and snacks for the day. Their food database contains over 1,000,000 items, so it’s easy to log your store-bought or restaurant meals, too. They also have free discussion forums where you can connect with other health seekers.

Some of us will just never be gym people. If you dread the drone of the treadmill or smell of those locker rooms, get out into nature for your workout instead. Once you download Yonder, simply enter your location and the app will pull up suggestions for hiking, biking, kayaking, and skiing in your area. It even includes reviews of each trail from fellow users. So grab your phone and get some vitamin D while you work up a sweat this winter.
If you purged half of your belongings during your minimalist phase last year, no sweat: You don’t need any fancy equipment to get in a great workout with the Freeletics app. It contains over 900 bodyweight workouts that are tailored to you and your fitness level.