The Week
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
The magazine that tells you all you need to know about everything that matters.

A Brief History of the Guy Fawkes Mask

9 Creative Alternatives to the Business Card

10 Lifehacks from 100 Years Ago
8 Surprisingly Fun Games Uncle Sam Told Soldiers to Play in 1943
In 1943, the U.S. War Department issued a manual packed with "informal" games that men might play if they were lucky enough to have downtime. The games were intended to occupy mind and body, manage stress, and subtly provide tactical training. Which might
9 Bizarre and Endearing Inventions From 100 Years Ago
Popular Mechanics has long profiled interesting new ideas and inventions, even if those innovations were destined to go no further than the magazine's pages.
8 How-To Books From 100 Years Ago That Are Still Useful
19th and early 20th century authors knew a thing or two about baby-naming, football-watching, drink-making, and more.
Why Don't Octopuses Get Stuck to Themselves?
Life can't be easy for octopuses. Sure, they're universally loved for changing color, opening jars from the inside, and predicting the winners of World Cup games. But they have eight very flexible arms to keep track of, which aren't even under their full
How Rain Helped the Mongols Conquer Asia
Tree rings have many stories to tell
How 6 Fraternal Organizations Got Their Names
Some insight into how these lodges formed, and why they chose their baffling symbols.
12 Things You Didn't Know Were Named After People
What to Expect When You're Expecting (100 Years Ago)
Whatever you do, don't feed your voracious appetite.
How to Give Birth 100 Years Ago
Here, we look at some of the stranger advice of the day.
How to be a Servant Worthy of Downton Abbey
In ITV's hit show Downton Abbey, the Crawley family struggles to maintain 19th-century standards and traditions even as the 20th century rips them away. One of the traditions they value is having an enormous stable of servants to care for them, their home
5 Disturbing Historical Practices You Should Never, Ever Try
Before you read these "how to" guides for foot binding and hara-kiri, take a moment to feel grateful that you live in the 21st century.
Popular Diet Tips from 100 Years Ago
Don't drink water. And by God, be sure to breathe!