Zoë Randolph
Joined: Oct 23, 2020
Zoë Randolph is a writer and marketer based wherever she can find a strong enough internet connection. Her joys include eating great food, learning new things, and watching Real Housewives argue on T.V.

How to Properly Dispose of Wrapping Paper

13 Facts About Women’s History Month

8 Helpful Tips for Keeping Pets Out of Christmas Trees
What's the Deal With Easter Bonnets?
Western culture has linked Easter with new threads for centuries.
11 Facts About Special Olympics
What began as a summer camp for just 34 children has grown into a worldwide sporting event for 7000 athletes from around the world.
Anne of Cleves, Henry VIII's Most Successful—And Least Known—Wife
Anne of Cleves escaped a joyless family, avoided an unhappy marriage, and jumped at the chance to live her best life.
The Rundown on Alexander Hamilton's 8 Children
Between the Revolutionary War, the fight over the Constitution, and his infamous deadly duel with Aaron Burr, Hamilton found time to father eight children with his wife Eliza.
6 Groundbreaking Facts About Elizabeth Blackwell, America’s First Woman Physician
When she graduated from medical school in 1849, Elizabeth Blackwell earned more than an M.D.: she also earned the distinction of becoming America’s first woman doctor.
25 Animals That Have Been Imprisoned or Arrested
From foul-mouthed parrots to prison-breaking cats, these 25 animals are proof that “crime” can sometimes be cuddly.
20 Unsung Heroes from History
History may be written by the victors, but it’s high time some of history’s quieter contributors got the attention they deserve.
7 Festive Alternatives to Tinsel
The fashion of the modern Christmas tree has left tinsel behind, and you can too. With these seven alternatives, we don’t think you’ll even miss it.
8 Easy Tips For Mailing Holiday Cookies
Mail-proofing holiday cookies is serious business. Here are eight tips for mailing the beloved seasonal treats the right way.
11 Fun Facts About Zoombinis
Zoombinis graced the screens of many a ‘90s PC, inviting kids to use logic and experimentation as they led a troupe of exploited island workers through a Deep, Dark Forest and the Mountains of Despair en route to Zoombiniville.
11 Facts About the Appalachian Mountains
The Appalachian Mountains occupy a towering spot in North American cultural identity, thanks in part to the Appalachian Trail. The rugged peaks have been influencing the continent for a lot longer than we’ve been around to appreciate them.
7 Facts About Calico Critters
Calico Critters—or Sylvanian Families, as they're known outside North America—took the toy market by storm in the 1980s.