Cordless phones? Amazing!
Big things were happening for Radio Shack in 1981: in addition to being the electronics chain's 60th year in business, amazing "breakthroughs"—like cordless phones—were keeping its cash registers ringing. See how far we've come, technologically-speaking, with this peek inside a 1981 Radio Shack catalog.

Toasting 60 years of cutting-edge technology!

The most amazing discovery? That in 1981, nine out of every 10 Americans lived or worked within five miles of a Radio Shack store.

"Amazing Telephone Breakthrough!"

*Woman with guitar not included.

It took nine D batteries to power up this 5-inch television set.

"Computer power that filled a room can now be carried in your pocket!" (Preferably, a large pocket.)

"No more missed calls."

Target or skeet shoot—the choice is yours.

The best way to protect your most prized possessions? Write your name on them with an electric engraving pencil.

Who wouldn't want a "pettable" AM radio?

So many choices. And so big.

Be kind to your records.

Sweet ride.

"Ideal for the younger set."

Please direct your attention to the Pulsating Psycho-Lites, which promise to "turn your next party into a disco!"

Because yelling across the room would be obnoxious.

Of open-reels and 8-tracks.

When in doubt, use a megaphone.

We'll take one "Bonnie 'n Clyde," please.

Remember when your television needed an antenna?

Need a job? Radio Shack had those, too—with "real opportunity for advancement."