What Does the Ship Designation ‘SS’ Mean?
The initialism was originally a bit of shipbuilder marketing—and now there are many different kinds of ship designations.
The initialism was originally a bit of shipbuilder marketing—and now there are many different kinds of ship designations.
The complicated legal case involving salvage rights to the RMS ‘Titanic’ continues, 40 years after the famous shipwreck was rediscovered.
You will instantly reveal yourself as a landlubber if you refer to a ship as a boat. Here’s how to tell the difference.
There’s a surprising connection between the capital of the Philippines and mailing important documents.
A blend of bureaucracy and saltwater is conspiring to keep any of the ship’s remaining secrets from being brought to the surface.
A new study shows that hungry sea otters are keeping Monterey Bay’s green crab population in check, one bite at a time.
Wisconsin's USS ‘Cobia’ offers guests a living history lesson via Airbnb.
You might want to skip dinner after reading these.
Whether real wrecks or ghostly sightings, these ships bear stories of unexplained deaths, flying orbs, and screams from the depths of the sea.
The footage is from a new ‘Endurance’ documentary hitting Disney+ later this year.
The French vessel was the victim of a maritime hit and run.
Thanks to a new buoy network, scuba divers and snorkelers can explore some of the historic wrecks—while protecting our maritime heritage—in the Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast National Marine Sanctuary.
King Henry VIII built the English Royal Navy around his favorite warship, the ‘Mary Rose,’ which sank under mysterious circumstances in 1545.
The ‘Quest’ was the ship on which Sir Ernest Shackleton carried out his final, uncompleted voyage to Antarctica.
A handful of centuries-old sailing words remain known only to the saltiest of seamen, but some have become part of our everyday language.
The Black Death—the world's second bubonic plague pandemic—decimated the populations of Asia, the Middle East, and Europe in the 14th century. But there was a silver lining.
Whether they’re said over a PA or in a one-on-one conversation, these seemingly innocuous terms are actually codes to alert those in the know that something is up while keeping others in the dark.
What really happened to the crew of the ‘Mary Celeste’? Delve into the theories and speculation surrounding this enduring maritime mystery.
From the Dyatlov Pass incident to the murder of JonBenét Ramsey, some of the best nonfiction books about history’s greatest mysteries are so gripping, they’ll make you feel like you’re about to crack open a few cold cases yourself.
There are few tales of the ‘Titanic’ left unexplored. Joseph Laroche’s story is one of them.
To create the newest season of ‘True Detective,’ showrunner Issa López went all the way back to 1872. And 1959.
Did pirates wear eye patches to see better in the dark? Find out the truth behind the iconic style choice.
Yestervid compiles silent film footage of the Windy City dating back to 1896.
They pillaged, they invaded, and they obeyed only the sea laws they made up as they went along.