Furniture is just furniture and rooms are just rooms, but when they're tiny they suddenly become fascinating and adorable.
1. A Library Within a Library

Courtesy of Tim Sidford/Sweetington
Tim Sidford makes amazing "shelf rooms" meant to be displayed between rows of books.
2. A Cupful of Czarina

Courtesy of TinyT42
This miniature of the last Russian Czarina's Mauve Room was made inside a teacup.
3. The Summer of 1885

Courtesy of Knoxville Museum of Art
This room is styled after a 19th century summer kitchen. It's part of the Knoxville Museum of Art's Thorne Rooms collection, miniatures commissioned in the 1930s and '40s by Mrs. James Ward Thorne.
4. Pretty in (Mostly) Pink

This room is only 1 inch tall and 1.5 inches wide.
5. Reaching Nirvana

Courtesy of BelinaTLV
This room has a music theme—records, a guitar, and a Kurt Cobain poster on the wall.
6. Traditional in the Orient

Courtesy of DollhouseAra
An Etsy seller in Korea made this miniature room.
7. A Toasty Little Cubebot

Courtesy of Mini Modern
This designer used a Cubebot toy to make a fireplace in this mini room.
8. Ready To Go
Courtesy of DollhouseAra
Aww. It's a miniature foyer with tiny matched luggage.
9. Red Corduroy Couches? It was the '50s.

Courtesy of The Toy Box
This vintage living room furniture is the right size for a Barbie
doll. Too bad Barbie's dress doesn't match the midcentury modern look.
10. Cooking in a Cigar Box

Courtesy of JanelLovesCrafts
This rustic kitchen was made out of an old cigar box.
11. A Living Room for the Classic American

Courtesy of MiniPlacesStudio
This classic American living room is very convincing.
12. Just Right for the Dowager Countess

Courtesy of Ginny'sDollhouse
A room inspired by the drawing room of Highclere Castle, where Downton Abbey is filmed.
13. Reclaimed Wood for the Hipster

Courtesy of NapkinMaps
Reclaimed wood is apparently a selling point even for miniature people.
14. Borrowing a Little from Greece and Rome

Courtesy of Knoxville Museum of Art
This Federal era drawing room is also part of the Knoxville Museum of Art's Thorne Rooms collection.
15. A Room with a View
Courtesy of Stewf
Check out the carved wood around this diamond-paned window.
16. Inception: Miniatures Inside a Miniature Room

Courtesy of Shenghung Lin
This nursery scene has three even tinier miniatures inside it.