Celebrate Iconic Female Film Characters With This Scratch-Off Poster

UncommonGoods / UncommonGoods
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Not only did 2019 see a record number of female protagonists in films, but it also saw a record number of women directing some of the highest-grossing movies of the year. While there is still a long way to go, it’s important to take the time to celebrate some of film’s most iconic female characters. And now you can with this 100 Women in Movies scratch-off poster that’s available on UncommonGoods for $29.

/ UncommonGoods

All you need to do is lightly scratch the surface of this 24-inch by 18-inch poster to reveal a character, the movie she was in, the year the film came out, and what the parental rating was. The poster features favorites such as Effie White from Dreamgirls (2006); Jules and Nic from The Kids Are All Right (2010); Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson from The Help (2011); Dame Marjorie "Maude" Chardin from Harold and Maude (1971); and many more [PDF].

After you’ve gotten to know this list of 100 women in movies, be sure to check out women in film who made all types of contributions, such as inventing the boom mic and many others.

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