Girl Scout Troop 6000 made headlines when they first participated in the organization's annual cookie sale program three years ago. In 2018, the group—consisting entirely of girls living in homeless shelters in New York City—sold an astounding 32,500 boxes of treats. Now you can help them reach an even more impressive number in 2021.
As Travel + Leisure reports, the Girl Scouts's first troop of homeless girls is currently selling cookies for $5 to $6 a box. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many troops have moved their sales from in-person stands to the Girl Scout Cookie Care digital platform. That means it's easier for customers around the country to support the troop of their choice this year—including Troop 6000.
Based in Queens, the Girl Scout troop connects thousands of girls living in shelters across New York City. The girls meet weekly, with women who are also homeless and local volunteers leading the troop. With homeless rates in New York at their highest levels in nearly a century, the sense of community and support provided by the organization is more vital than ever.
Troop 6000 aimed to sell 620,000 boxes in 2021—a goal they achieved before the season ended. You can still help the troop pay for uniforms, activity supplies, and field trips by purchasing cookies through their online store. You can also use the portal to make a direct donation to the group.