Martha Brozyna

Martha Brozyna

Martha A. Brozyna earned her Ph.D. in history from the University of Southern California where she specialized in the very popular and cutting edge field of medieval Polish history. For a few years she worked as a part-time history professor at Rutgers University in Newark, NJ. She has published two books: a college sourcebook entitled Gender and Sexuality in the Middle Ages, and another on stock trading co-authored with her husband and entitled Contrarian Ripple Trading: A Low-Risk Strategy to Profiting from Short-Term Trades. When she's not picking dried Play-Doh out of her carpets or vacuuming Cheerios from between couch cushions, she works as a writer. She enjoys making lists of things to do, collecting gargoyles, and reminiscing about the days when she used to travel. She loves three-toed sloths (and the Amazon rainforest). She lives in northern NJ with her husband and two children.