Romy Oltuski
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
Romy Oltuski is a mental_floss contributor who has also written for Flavorwire, The Atlantic, Cosmopolitan, REDBOOK, and Lifestyles, among others. She graduated from Tufts University and the Columbia Publishing Course and loves writing and talking about pop culture and etymology. If that’s not off-putting, follow @TheRealRomy or email romy.oltuski@gmail.com.

51 Wonderful Words With No English Equivalent

11 Words With Politically Incorrect Etymologies

The Dirty Etymology of 9 Everyday Words
11 More Wonderful Words With No English Equivalent
Last summer Bill DeMain shared 15 nuanced words and expressions that simply can’t be said in English. Haley Sweetland Edwards gave you 14 more last fall. It seems no matter how great the English language is, there are plenty of mots justes missing from it