Millennials Are So Stressed About Money It’s Affecting Their Work

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Money-related worries are a common problem at any age. But according to a recent report from Bank of America Merrill Lynch Workplace Benefits, financial fears tend to weigh heaviest on workers in their twenties and early thirties. As Money reports, the majority of Millennials feel that stress caused by money matters has a negative impact on their work and health.

The Bank of America study looked at 1200 employees enrolled in 401(k) plans through companies around the country. Among those surveyed, 67 percent of Millennials said their financial stress hinders their focus and productivity at work, compared to 32 percent of Baby Boomers who said the same. In total, younger respondents spend the most time thinking about money at work: an average of four hours a week.

Millennials were also more likely to see their concerns impact their body. While a little more than half of Baby Boomers (51 percent) felt that stressing about money is bad for them physically, 68 percent of Millennials said it wears on their health.

At first glance, the survey results may feel like common sense—young people, a.k.a. those just starting out in the workforce, are more inclined to be stressed about money because they earn less than more seasoned employees. But there are plenty of financial stressors that are unique to this group. Shrinking job prospects and rising property values have set Millennials up to potentially become the first generation to earn less than their parents.

Another burden that falls disproportionately on recent graduates is student loan debt, which is currently at an all-time high. While magically zapping these problems away isn’t an option for most people, learning to manage them is. If you’re not sure where to start, here are a couple of debt-tackling strategies to consider.

[h/t Money]