11 Gag Reels from Serious Shows

YouTube / Abe Banerman
YouTube / Abe Banerman / YouTube / Abe Banerman

Seeing bloopers from comedies is pretty typical. It's way more fun when dramatic actors crack up—here's proof.

1. The X-Files

Twelve minutes of pure greatness, juvenile humor, and nostalgia.

2. Breaking Bad

This is from season 5—no watching if you're not through the show! And who knew Skinny Pete was a virtuoso?!

One more—season 3:

3. The West Wing

This takes half a minute to really get going. My favorite? All the "Tony" Ziegler business.

4. Battlestar Galactica

So gag we all! Incidentally, there's a detailed writeup of this reel from the Battlestar Wiki.

5. Lost

There are tons of these on YouTube, so let's start with the first season. Featuring plenty of Charlie material, and tons of falling down.

If that's not enough Lost for you, here's 15 minutes' worth:

6. The Lord of the Rings

Okay, it's not a TV show. But they're long enough to count, in my book. "Typical elf work."

7. The Wire

From season 4. Other seasons are on YouTube. Oh yeah, and there's a ton of unbleeped swearing, as you'd expect.

8. Firefly

Yes sir, Captain Blooppants!

9. Star Trek: The Next Generation

These are the bloopers of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new bloops, to seek out new bloops and new civilizations, to boldly bloop where no one has blooped before. Oh, we've got more of these.

10. Grey's Anatomy

That X-ray lightbox is really tricky.

11. Deadwood

From season 2, profanity be damned! And in case you don't catch the opening joke, review this video.