Game of Thrones Theory Suggests A Surprising Reason the Night King Might Be After Jon Snow


Among the countless fan theories surrounding the final season of Game of Thrones, a few revolve around the intentions of the Night King. After Vladimír Furdík, the actor behind the ice blue eyes, confirmed that his character is after one person specifically, many fans of the series have been going wild trying to figure out who that one person is. While one of the more popular beliefs is that he's targeting Bran Stark, others think he's determined to kill Jon Snow. But a new fan theory puts a spin on all of these ideas, claiming the Night King wants Jon to become his heir.

One Redditor took to the platform to argue that perhaps the Night King was promised an heir thousands of years ago, and that he has been waiting until a worthy enough one was born.

"I believe part of the pact thousands of years ago with the Children Of The Forest was an agreement that he would be able to rid his curse of being the by taking an heir to his undead throne," the theorist wrote. "He was sick of getting Crastor's sons as a solution, the ignorance of not fulfilling this promise could also be why his army got so large."

In this theory, the fact that Jon and his best friend, Samwell Tarly, have yet to be killed by the Night King might serve as proof that the supreme leader of the White Walkers wants Jon Snow for something greater. The Redditor mentions the time Sam was spared by the White Walkers in the season 2 episode "Valar Morghulis," explaining it could have been because they knew Sam was "important to Jon's journey." Additionally, the Night King chooses not to go after Jon, at least not directly, in the season 7 episode "Beyond the Wall." Instead, he shoots down Daenerys Targaryen's dragon Viserion.

If the Night King truly is after Jon, as many theorize, this added layer means there's more to his motivations than to simply just kill him. And perhaps this would fulfill the theory that Jon is the prince that was promised—just not to the living. The Redditor argues that perhaps we'll get more of a history behind the Night King in the final season and that it could begin to make him a sympathetic character.

"Remember Old Nan saying to Bran describing that the might be a Stark," the fan points out. "I believe we will learn the story and sympathize with him, I think he's truly cursed and just wants to die but he can only die by transferring his throne to an heir."

Jon might be in deeper trouble than we ever anticipated if this theory is even remotely true, but we'll know soon enough. Game of Thrones returns for its final season on April 14.