The Average American Has Cried on Their Couch 17 Times, According to New Poll /

Most people, at one point or another, have cried on their living room couch. Maybe it was a bad break-up. Maybe it was a stressful day at work. Maybe it was because you just watched the end of Forrest Gump for the 42nd time.

Hey, it happens—and more often than you might expect. According to a survey of 2000 Americans, the average sofa has been sobbed on 17 times. This unusual finding comes from a survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of the furniture design company Rove Concepts.

As it turns out, your couch would have a lot of stories to tell if it could talk (which might explain why sofas are such a central and iconic part of your favorite sitcoms, from Friends to Frasier). According to the survey, the average person has napped on their couch 36 times, chatted with friends and family on it 32 times, and spent 21 sick days lounging around on it. And if you really dig deep, you might find at least $1.55—the average amount of change found buried beneath a couch’s cushions.

If you’re overdue for a couch upgrade, you aren’t the only one. The average couch is six years old, and more than a fifth of all respondents said theirs was faded and outdated. Survey takers were also asked what kinds of furniture “grown ups” should have, and when they should have it by. Respondents said everyone should own a dining table and chairs, couch, mattress, and bed frame by age 28.

Check out more findings like these on, and be sure to thank your couch for supporting you through all those vulnerable moments (and series finales).