Emily Petsko
Joined: Apr 10, 2018
Emily Petsko is a former staff writer at Mental Floss. Her writing has appeared in Lonely Planet, The Guardian, and several lifestyle publications in Asia.

13 Facts About Genes

10 Tips for Stress-Free Holiday Travel

Graham Crackers Were Invented to Combat the Evils of Coffee, Alcohol, and Masturbation
You Can Use Your FSA or HSA Card to Pay for Medical Items on Amazon
Don't want to make an unnecessary trip to the store to pick up eye drops or sunscreen? You can order them online, using the pre-tax money in your account.
This Wall Chart Shows Every Species in the Cat Kingdom
From the humble house cat to the pointy-eared lynx.
15 Products to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
Here are 15 products that can help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions, including innovative water bottles, notebooks, and more.
7 Surprising Facts About Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen once stayed with Charles Dickens. By the end of the five-week visit, Dickens was so exasperated with Andersen he ended the friendship.
Here’s the Real (No Good) Reason Glasses Are So Expensive
You're getting ripped off, big time.
6 Facts About Sojourner Truth, the 19th-Century Abolitionist and Feminist
While Truth wasn't her real name, 19th-century abolitionist and feminist Sojourner Truth made it her life's mission.
The Right Way to Pronounce 'Dachshund'
Dachshund is actually made up of two smaller German words (dachs, which means “badger,” and hund, which means “dog”) and it's not pronounced “dash-hound.”
Bloody Mary: Why We Think We See Ghosts in Mirrors
The spooky Bloody Mary phenomenon has a scientific explanation.
13 Chill Facts About Sloths
Why are sloths so slow? Discover these fascinating facts about sloths, from their unique anatomy to their surprising swimming abilities.
What Was the Bestselling Book the Year You Were Born? This Online Tool Tells You
Can you guess which author spent the most time on ‘The New York Times’ bestseller list? (Hint: It isn't J.K. Rowling or Stephen King.)
This Calculator Will Tell You Exactly How Many Christmas Tree Ornaments You’ll Need This Year
Enter your tree size and shape and your decorating preferences, and this online calculator will do the rest.
NASA Reveals How Living in Space for a Year Affected Scott Kelly’s Poop
Astronaut Scott Kelly used cotton swabs to take samples of his fecal matter. He then sealed it in tubes and sent it back to Earth via rocket.