The much-anticipated Game of Thrones series finale aired on Sunday, May 19, marking the end of the show's eight-season run. After you've finished processing the conclusion, and which bizarre fan theories actually came true, reflect on the designs that brought the world to life with this poster from Pop Chart.
This epic infographic includes the major objects, locations, animals, and sigils that make appearances throughout the fantasy series. Swords, like Arya's Needle and Jon's Longclaw, have been fully illustrated. The poster also highlights the show's costume design, with a section showing the armor of each major character and army, as well as one for important crowns.
Under "Fauna," you'll find mythical creatures such as dragons, direwolves, and the Three-Eyed Raven. Winterfell, King's Landing, and Dragonstone are featured in "Castles," while the sigils of the houses Stark, Lanninster, and Targaryen fall under "Regalia." Naturally, the Iron Throne has a prominent spot at the top of the poster.
New items were added to the graphic as the final season of Game of Thrones progressed, and now fans can order the final 18-by-24-inch print to display in their home.
Buy it from Pop Chart for $30.
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