In an effort to raise awareness about the importance of bats, UK-based roofing materials supplier Burton Roofing Merchants Limited created a fun brainteaser for homeowners. Look closely enough at the image above and you'll see a gray bat hiding among a clutter of paintbrushes, buckets, gloves, screwdrivers, ladders, and other household tools. On average, it has taken people about 15 seconds to spot the winged mammal—so why not see how your powers of observation stack up.
“Bats often go unnoticed when they roost in lofts, basements, garages, and external parts of buildings, but occasionally they accidentally stray into the living spaces of homes and workplaces,” Joe Nunez-Mino, director of communications and fundraising at the UK's Bat Conservation Trust, told the Daily Mail. “Sometimes in the summer, young bats, which are inexperienced flyers, will become exhausted before finding their way out. They may try to land on a wall or curtains, or they may crash-land on furniture or the floor. If you do happen to find a bat has landed inside or around your property, then it is probably in need of some help.”
Tips for helping an injured bat include placing it in a box and giving it water. The Bat Conservation Trust also warns that you should not attempt to catch the bat as it's flying, because you could injure the animal.
In the UK, bats and their roosts are protected by law, so construction work must come to a halt if workers spot a bat. These mammals might seem like a nuisance, but they do a lot of good, too. Some bats pollinate flowers, others eat mosquitoes, and the coolest of them are able to fly straight when drunk.
So ... did you find the bat in the image? Scroll below to see where it's hiding.