Head to any given park on any given sunny summer day, and you’ll likely encounter a people-watcher’s paradise. And to keep us occupied on the rainy days, online watch retailer Watches2U has turned all those sunbathers, joggers, dog-walkers, and skittery squirrels into an entertaining brainteaser.
The left and right images below are almost identical, save for 10 tiny discrepancies that you may not notice at first glance. Once you think you’ve spotted them all (or given up), scroll to the bottom to reveal the answers.

As any good Parks and Recreation fan knows, even the smallest park can be a symbol of community and a saving grace for city-dwellers short on yard space. And national parks, like Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon, can be full-fledged vacation spots. They often also help protect wildlife in the region. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, for example, is known as the “salamander capital of the world,” and Theodore Roosevelt National Park is home to hundreds of bison, which were once on the brink of extinction.
In the midst of the current pandemic, a visit to your local park might look a little different than it usually does. Masks and social distancing are musts, and hand sanitizer should flow freely. And if you’re road-tripping a little farther from home, here are some expert tips for doing it safely.
Answer Key

[h/t Watches2U]