Kevin Kampwirth
Joined: Feb 12, 2013

Can Animals Really Anticipate Natural Disasters?

What Determines What Your Voice Sounds Like?

6 Surprising Examples of Human Vestigiality
Can Stress Really Cause Hair Loss?
People have long been known to willfully pull out their own hair owing to anxiety, but it’s widely believed that chronic stress can cause inadvertent hair loss as well.
Why Do People Get Emotional When They Drink?
At one time or another, though, we’ve all been the emotional drunk, a condition typically marked by ill-timed espousals of affection (or reprisal), acute introspection, and an incontrollable urge to cry in the middle of a crowded bar.
Why Are Whole Foods Typically More Expensive Than Processed?
Close perusal of a Wonder loaf’s list of ingredients reveals some 29 tongue-tying components, while the whole grain loaf has five or six, none over two syllables. So why are more heavily processed foods and those with more ingredients typically less expen
7 Antiquated Illness Names and Their Meanings
Throughout the ages, people have hung some pretty weird names on what’s ailed them. Here are the monikers of a few of the more strangely-named illnesses, and how we know them today.
Why Did Eating Horsemeat Become Taboo?
Despite the notion of horses as pets and companions, horsemeat is widely and willingly consumed in countries ranging from Mexico to China to Italy. So how, exactly, did eating horsemeat become taboo for the rest of us?
How Was the Top-Secret Coke Formula Determined to Be Kosher?
Few products in civilized history can match the mythology and ubiquity of Coca-Cola. In the 1930s, Coke’s inscrutability found itself at odds with a niche, but rapidly growing consumer base: Orthodox Jewish immigrants whose dietary restrictions prevented