Robin Esrock
Joined: Mar 11, 2014
Journalist, bestselling author, and National Geographic television host Robin Esrock has visited over 100 countries in search of the extraordinary. You can find him at robinesrock.com.

11 of the World’s Creepiest Places

Incredible Photos of the World's Scariest Hike

10 Stunning Travel Photos From a Former Bond Trader
6 Amazing Volcano Vacations
Earth’s most furious mountains are also the most rewarding to visit, as the amazing photos show here prove.
17 Scenes From the Polar Bear Capital of the World
Polar bears can be ruthless killers, but in the Canadian town of Churchill, North Manitoba, they live among humans.
13 Common Travel Scams—And How to Avoid Them
While the vast majority of travelers return home without incident, there’s no denying we make easy targets. Excited, disorientated, and unaware of local customs, petty scams play you for a fool. If you don’t want to buy in, leave the paranoia and neurosis
The 12 Weirdest Experiences You Can Have in Canada
When the going gets weird, the weird head north.
11 Photos of Ukraine's Soviet-Era Nuclear Missile Silo
Pushing this button in 1978 would have triggered a global nuclear war. Welcome to the Toolbox of Armageddon.