William Herkewitz
Joined: Feb 12, 2014
William Herkewitz is a science journalist and humorist based in New York City. He writes about theoretical physics, brewing, SkyMall and everything in between.

How Your Computer Might Be Keeping You Up At Night

The Astounding Counterfeit Nazi Invasion Map You’ve Never Heard Of

How Does Counting Cards in Blackjack Work?
Addictive Drugs That Are Actually Pesticides
Many plant-based drugs—such as caffeine, cocaine, nicotine and morphine—are all made for the exact same reason: to fight off insects. Why exactly do humans love ingesting insect repellent so much?
Why Do Speed Skaters Use Such Weird Ice Skates?
If you watch the speed skaters during this year’s Winter Olympics, you’ll certainly notice something strange about the footwear they’re sporting. With a hinged blade that moves independently from the boot, modern speed skates look nothing like hockey or f
How Does A Honeybee Colony Think?
As any kid with a mason jar can tell you, the honeybee isn't the smartest animal on the planet. But oddly enough, a honeybee colony is actually pretty intelligent. How does the group make decisions when the individuals can't?