You Can Earn $3000 By Quitting Social Media for 30 Days is giving social media addicts a good reason to quit their apps cold turkey.
If you’re looking for a sign to quit social media, here it is.
If you’re looking for a sign to quit social media, here it is. | Westend61/GettyImages

Are you attached to social media? If so, you aren’t alone. Many sites are designed to keep users scrolling for as long as possible. That makes them hard to quit, but what if someone was willing to pay you for a one-month social media detox?

The internet provider and mobile service review site is offering one lucky person $3000 (or $100 per day for 30 days) to take an extended break from social media. The event is part of the site’s first-ever Sign Out of Social Challenge, intended to help people form healthier relationships with the online world.

The task is simple—at least in theory. The participant must refrain from using social media for 30 days by deleting their apps and logging out of their accounts. The only exceptions are sites required by one’s work.

Those interested in being part of the Sign Out of Social Challenge can apply on Simply scroll to the “How do you apply?” subheading, answer the questions, and click “Submit.” You will have until January 31, 2025, at 5:00 P.M. MT to enter the contest. The winner will be announced and will receive an email by February 7, 2025. Be sure to mark as a safe sender so the email doesn’t end up in your spam folder.

According to a survey conducted by, the most popular motivations for quitting social media are time management and mental health. Other concerns include privacy, platform distrust, relationships, and physical health. That said, 37 percent of Americans still struggle to reduce social media usage. If you’re having trouble cutting back on screen time, try replacing those scrolling habits with one of these activities to do while you’re bored. Cooking, backyard birding, and reading are all worthwhile pursuits that don’t require a screen.

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