Some people have a talent for ignoring the messes in their home. If your eyes tend to glaze over when confronted with a disorganized space, the two images below may look close to identical to you. Study them harder though and you’ll find a number of differences setting the scenes apart. See how long it takes you to spot them all.
The UK-based retailer Hammonds Furniture specializes in storage solutions custom-built to contain messes like the one pictured here. For this brainteaser, the company designed two versions of a chaotic closet with seven differences separating them.
Some of the distinguishing features are obvious, while others may take a sharp eye to identify. According to Hammonds, about 50 percent of people struggle to find all the differences in under a minute. Take a close look at the drawers, clothing, and other items in the illustrations and see if you can beat that time.
Picking just one hidden object out of a brainteaser is hard enough for most people. Finding seven key features may take you a while, so don’t feel bad if you can’t solve the puzzle in under a minute. If you can beat it in 60 seconds or less, you’re more observant than half of the people who accepted the challenged.
Here’s a hint if you find yourself struggling: Look around the perimeter of the pictures for the major differences between them. To check your work, refer to the solution image below. You can find more tricky brainteasers here.