If you spend your days indoors, it can be easy to forget that spring is around the corner. The hectic office scene below looks like it could take place any time of year at first glance. Look closer, though, and you’ll spot colorful eggs hidden around the room. Take a break from your own nine-to-five job and see how long it takes you to find all six in this brainteaser.

With the first day of spring arriving on Monday, March 20, and Easter falling on Sunday, April 9, instantprint put together this seasonal hidden image puzzle. While the featured workers are distracted by deadlines and loose papers, someone scattered a basket of Easter eggs around the open office space. The colorful ovals have been tucked among the desks, plants, and trash bins. The eggs are small, but you should be able to spot them with a sharp eye.
According to instantprint, it takes the average person 76 seconds to identify all six eggs. If you’re stumped after a couple of minutes scouring the picture, check your answers in the key on the next page.
As the weather warms up and the days get longer, the changing seasons will soon be obvious no matter how you spend your days. Here’s another tricky brainteaser to get you in the mood for spring.