The Bug the World Fought Over
The Cochineal insect creates a red dye so incredible, Europe nearly went to war over it.
The Cochineal insect creates a red dye so incredible, Europe nearly went to war over it.
No matter how much insect repellent you pack, you're likely to encounter mosquitoes while traveling to these U.S. cities.
If you think you've been stung by a bee, you should act fast. Here's how to remove the bee stinger and treat the sting.
Testing some cicada recipes is the best way to get back at Brood X cicadas for all that incessant shrieking.
Testing some cicada recipes is the best way to get back at Brood X cicadas for all that incessant shrieking.
The Brood X cicada has emerged to mate, and their ear-splitting screams for a partner have Georgia residents contacting authorities.
If you plan on hiking where the Brood X cicadas have emerged this summer, bring an umbrella to block the cicada pee (or at least wear a hat).
Brood X cicada shells are covering surfaces in many parts of the United States, and this creepy video shows how they got there.
The long-dormant insects are out in the billions, but dogs that consider them a snack may wind up having to see a vet if they eat too many.
They may be small, but these invasive insects have caused serious damage to agriculture and the environment since invading the U.S.
They may be small, but these invasive insects have caused serious damage to agriculture and the environment since invading the U.S.
They may be small, but these invasive insects have caused serious damage to agriculture and the environment since invading the U.S.
When the Brood X cicadas emerge in late spring 2021, their mating calls will rival the volume of lawn mowers, car stereos, and low-flying planes.
The giant wood moth dies a few days after reaching adulthood, and females are so heavy they have trouble flying.
There are few children’s books more beloved than Eric Carle’s 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar,' even if it's real-life ending would be much more gruesome.
The 1889 painting of the olive groves outside an asylum Van Gogh was staying in has been hiding a secret for years—a dead grasshopper stuck in the paint.
Honey can spend years in a pantry without spoiling because bees are very diligent when it comes to food safety.
It’s the ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’ of the insect world, featuring a cameo by Anne Boleyn’s headless ghost.
In the summer of 2021, the cicadas of Brood X will emerge by the billions for the first time in 17 years.
Our ancestors may have predisposed us to fear spiders, insects, and other many-legged creatures, but there's a lot more to it.
Due to an unusually warm winter and summer, a 'robust' stink bug population is expected to invade homes in the Mid-Atlantic region when temperatures drop.
If you find a tick on your body, don't panic—removing it the right way fast drastically reduces your chances of contracting any diseases it might be carrying.
The new Mississippi flag design, featuring a mosquito silhouette surrounded by a ring of stars, has become a surprise hit with the public.
Honey from hives downwind from the Notre-Dame fire contained 3.5 times as much lead as Parisian honey collected before April 2019.