Watch a Million Wildebeest Journey Across the Serengeti

istock / istock

Twice a year, more than a million wildebeest travel a thousand miles across the Serengeti to find fresh grazing ground. Accompanied by thousands of zebras and impala, the animals must ford crocodile-infested rivers and evade predators like lions, cheetahs, and hyenas.

The perilous journey, which has been called one of the “Seven Natural Wonders of Africa,” is a breathtaking sight. Now, for the first time, you can watch it unfold from the safety of your own home.

Twice a day until October 5, Periscope is streaming the migration, replete with narration from animal experts who are on the scene. For anyone who can’t watch live, they’re posting videos of the wildebeests on Youtube.

[h/t: Atlas Obscura]