You, of course, aren't mispronouncing these words, but some people do. Maybe it's the spelling, or the origin, or the trickiness of language itself, but these words tend to tie tongues in knots. Even if you're a master linguist, it's always good to double-check to see if you're saying the words on this list—adapted from an episode of The List Show—correctly.
1. Colonel
You know those weird looks you get when you play Clue with your friends and you accuse 'Call-in-null' Mustard with the candlestick in the hall? That's because it's 'Kern-el' Mustard. Also, it was probably Professor Plum.
2. Awry
Something has gone awry if you're saying aw-ree because it's ah-wry.
3. Epitome
Need a perfect example? Ep-it-tome is the ep-it-tom-ee of mispronunciation.
4. Edinburgh
You don't go to Ed-in-burg, you go to Ed-in-bur-ah.
5. Ethereal
This is almost too perfect. It's not e-ther-real, it's eth-eer-ee-ul.
6. Meme
Share this with everyone you know. It's not a me-may, or a mee-mee, it's a meem (at least we're trying to make it one).
7. GIF
The creator of the Graphical Interchange Format calls it Jif. According to the dictionary, which is all that matters, both pronunciations are correct, but the battle rages on.
Not pawned or pweened. If you've been totally dominated, you've been powned. Owned with a P.
9. Facetious
Fay-tious? No, fa-see-tious. No kidding.
10. Hyperbole
If people keep on pronouncing 'hi-per-bo-lee' as 'hy-per-bowl,' the universe is going to implode.
11. Nuclear
New-clear? New-cue-lar? No, new-clear.
12. Hermione
If you're talking about Harry Potter's best friend, it's 'Her-my-oh-nee' (Hermione). A Gentle Hermione is also a rose, so now you know how to pronounce two Hermiones.
13. Ralph
Speaking of Harry Potter, it looks like the name of the video game character that wrecks things, but the name of the actor who played Voldemort is pronounced Rayf.
14. Manolo Blahnik
You can probably think of a dozen wrong ways to say it, but the name of the famous Spanish designer is Ma-NO-low Blah-nick.
15. Accessory
And the shoes Manolo Blahnik makes are an ak-sess-oh-ree, not an a-sess-oh-ree.
16. Versailles
It's Ver-sigh, unless you're in Kentucky or Indiana, in which case you are in Ver-sales.
17. Illinois
And speaking of the Great American Midwest, it's 'Ill-i-noy' (Illinois).
18. Arctic
Arc-tic, not Ar-tic. There are two Cs in there.
19. Alzheimer's Disease
It's Alls-high-merz disease, not old-timers disease.
20. Asperger's
And its Ass-per-gers. There is no B in there.
21. Et Cetera
Just how it looks. Et cetera, not Eck cetera.
22. Pinochle
Pee-knuckle may be the pinnacle of card games that are difficult to pronounce.
23. Forte
Four-tay is an Italian word that means loud. It's used all the time in mew-zical arrangements.
24. Forte
Here's where it gets confusing. Your fort (no "-ay") is something that you're good at, or the strongest part of a sword. However, this mispronunciation is so common that you will either seem like you don't know the word or so pedantic that the person you're speaking with will walk off without saying another word.
25. Recur
If you use the word Reoccur, it means something is occurring again. Recur is the correct pronunciation for something that happens again and again.
26. Parentheses
Unless you're referring to a single parenthesis, use pa-ren-tha-sees.
27. Mauve
It's mawv in the United States and mowv in Britain, so chaos reigns. Either way, it's still just slightly purple.
28. Irregardless
No matter how you pronounce it, irregardless is not a word. You mean regardless.
29. Anyway
Anyways, always say anyway because anyways is not a word. No extra S required.
30. Gnocchi
If you're ordering at the Italian restaurant, it's nee-oh-kee, not guh-knock-y.
31. Penne
You can follow that course with a bowl of penn-nay, not pen.
32. Merlot
And wash the carb explosion down with a nice bottle of mer-low. Keep that T silent.
33. Prosciutto
Then wash down the wine with a pile of thinly sliced pro-shoot-oh.
34. Crepe
In the French restaurant, it's krep, not krayp.
35. Quiche
Or you might order a keesh there.
36. Quinoa
At the health food store, you'll want to pick up some keen-wa.
37. Hors D'oeuvres
You'll want to serve or-dirves at your party, not hoars-doov-rez. The literal translation from French is "outside the works," referring to a part of the meal outside the main course.
38. Chipotle
If you're still hungry, you can roll through chih-pote-lay. Please don't call it Chi-pot-al. Or you can just eat a bowl of chipotle peppers. They're great by themselves. Or with...
39. Guacamole
And don't forget to pay a little extra for some gwac-a-mol-eh, not gwac-a-mo-lay.
40. Caramel
Chipotle doesn't serve flan, or else it would be really easy to segue into discussing care-a-mel. Care-a-mil is also acceptable.
41. Thyme
It's time, like a clock, not thigh-me.
42. Mayonnaise
We probably all shorten it to man-ayze because may-oh-nayz is a mouthful. A correctly pronounced mouthful.
43. Prescription
That thing you get from your doctor that you take to your pharmacy is a pre-scrip-shun, not a pur-scrip-shun.
44. Realtor
It only has two syllables, not three.
45. Jewelry
That goes for jool-ree, too.
46. Asphalt
It's ass-fault, not ash-fault.
47. Ptolemy
The Greek mathematician's name is pronounced tall-a-mee.
48. Bacchus
And a party with Ptolemy and Bacchus (back-us) would be a blast.
49. Veteran
Napoleon was a veh-teh-run (three syllables, not two) of the Napoleonic Wars.
50. Veterinarian
And Chewbacca resents having to go to the vet-er-in-air-ee-an.
51. Comfortable
It might make you squirm, but kum-fur-ta-bull has four syllables.
52. Supposedly
It's sa-poze-id-lee, not sa-poze-ib-lee. Don't turn that D into a B.
53. Triathlon
Somehow it's tri-ath-lon instead of tri-ath-a-lon, which is admittedly much more fun to say.
54. Especially
And resist the temptation to throw an X in to make it ex-pesh-il-lee when it's es-pesh-il-lee.
55. Larvae
Getting back to squirmy things, it's lar-vee or lar-vai, but not lar-vay.
56. Asterisk
We should note that it's ass-tir-isk, not aks-tir-isk.
57. Affidavit
And it's officially aff-i-day-vit with a T at the end, not a D.
58. Schadenfreude
If you're chuckling that people actually mispronounce some of these words, then you're experiencing shaw-din-froy-da.
59. Chauvinist
It's show-va-nist (chauvinist), not cho-va-nist.
60. Mischievous
It's like the word itself is playing a sly prank on all of us because it's just so tempting to say miss-chee-vee-us when there's no extra I at the end. The right way to say it is miss-chuh-vus.
61. Dr. Seuss
Another way to sound silly while being correct is to pronounce the legendary author's name as doctor soyce. He said his name as if it rhymed with voice, but everyone says it like it rhymes with juice, which is wubbulously wrong.
62. Chiaroscuro
The key to getting this art technique wrong is in the chee. The right way? Kee-uh-ruh-skyoor-oh. It's the use of darkness and light in contrast, not a Brazilian restaurant where they keep giving you meat until you beg for them to stop. That's a...
63. Churrascaria
All together now: Shoe-rah-scah-ree-ya.
64. Gyro
Please, please when you're ordering one, don't call it a jy-ro. It's yee-ro, which should be easy to remember because it rhymes with hero and both are sandwiches.
65. Kiton
The cute little mussels are kai-tens. They're not kittens.
66. Acai
Ack! It's a soft C, but you also pronounce the letter I at the end. Uh-sigh-ee.
67. Cache
If you've got respect and clout, you've got cachet (cash-eh), but if you're storing your loot in a cache, it's pronounced simply cash.
68. February
It's feh-brew-ary, but we all know that we should officially change it to feh-boo-ary.
69. Regime
It's ray-jeem, not ruh-jeem.
70. Solder
Silent Ls should make everything tricky. Surprisingly, it's sah-der, not soul-der.
71. Often
Tons of people get this one wrong with great regularity. It's off-en. The T is silent.
72. Dilate
This one might make your eyes bug out. We have the tendency to add another A in there, but it's di-late, not di-uh-late.
73. Preternatural
It's not pray-ter-natch-uh-rul. It's pree-ter-natch-uh-rul. Spooky, right?
74. Hierarchy
It's high-er-ar-kee, not the simplified high-ar-kee.
75. Lambaste
There's no need to soften this one. It's lam-baste, not lam-bast.
76. Recondite
It may be difficult to understand, but the word is pronounced reh-kin-dite.
77. Pronunciation
You pro-nown-ce a word, but you don't pro-nown-cee-ate it. Stick with pro-nun-cee-ay-shun, and you'll be fine.