With limitless streaming content at your fingertips these days, there’s no reason to force yourself to sit through a film or series you can’t stand simply because you already started it. But if you’re watching on Netflix, all those partially finished programs that you have no intention of ever returning to will then sit in your ‘Continue Watching’ queue for eternity.
Fortunately, the latest app update includes a long-awaited fix for this issue. On your device, scroll to your ‘Continue Watching’ section and tap the three dots beneath the program you’d like to delete; choose “Remove From Row” and watch as it magically disappears from the ranks of all the gritty documentaries and beloved sitcoms you fully plan on picking back up. Not only will cleaning up your queue make it easier for you to see the shows and movies you do care about, but as Thrillist points out, it can also save you a bit of embarrassment if you’re browsing Netflix with someone who might snicker or scoff at your past viewing choices.

The feature is only available on app versions of Netflix right now, but there is a way to edit your ‘Continue Watching’ queue on your desktop, too. As TechHive explains, you have to select “Account” from the dropdown menu in the upper right corner of the Netflix homepage, head to the “Profile and Parental Controls” section, choose your profile, and then click “Viewing Activity.” There, you can hide a title from viewing history. The catch, however, is that Netflix will delete that title from all viewing history—not just your ‘Continue Watching’ queue—so no record will exist that you ever started watching it, and it won’t be factored into future recommendations. If you’re not quite willing to erase it from history, you can always edit your ‘Continue Watching’ queue on the app, and those changes will automatically be reflected on the desktop version.
Once your queue is spotless, check out these other Netflix hacks to enhance your viewing experience.
[h/t Thrillist]