The second most frequently asked question about Presidents Day probably has to do with apostrophe placement. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have an easy answer: Presidents Day, President’s Day, and Presidents’ Day have all been widely used since the holiday’s inception in the 1960s. (Before that, it was known only as Washington’s Birthday—not Washingtons’ or Washingtons—and that's still what the federal holiday is technically called.)
Answering the most frequently asked question, on the other hand, is a little more straightforward: What’s open? Since Presidents Day is a federal holiday, you can assume that government-run businesses take the day off, while privately owned ones might stay open. Here’s a quick rundown of where not to visit on Monday, February 15, 2021.
Are Banks Open on Presidents Day?
Like New Year’s Day, Veterans Day, and seven other annual observances, Presidents Day counts as a federal holiday—so banks will be closed.
Is the Post Office Open on Presidents Day?
Since the U.S. Postal Service observes federal holidays, too, post offices will be closed on Presidents Day. Mail won’t be delivered, either.
Is the DMV Open on Presidents Day?
State Department of Motor Vehicles offices will be closed on Presidents Day, but county offices are occasionally open on federal holidays. Contact yours for specific hours of operation.
Is the Stock Market Open on Presidents Day?
The New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, and the bond market shut down for Presidents Day.
Is There School on Presidents Day?
Public schools are closed on Presidents Day, as are plenty of private ones. But it’s always a good idea to check with the school—holiday schedules sometimes change to account for snow days or other unexpected days off during the year.
Are Stores Open on Presidents Day?
Unlike government offices, many stores, restaurants, and other businesses stay open on Presidents Day. But while large retailers like Target and Staples use the holiday as a chance to run deals and discounts, your local indie shops might be taking the day off. Meaning it's always best to double-check before you head out.