11 Products Math Lovers Can Buy for Pi Day

UncommonGoods / UncommonGoods
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Happy Pi Day! Every March 14 (or 3.14) we honor our favorite mathematical constant, and this year you can gather up some math-themed products to celebrate the occasion. But be warned that you'll probably be in the mood for a slice of pie by the end.



Make ice, chocolate, soap, or whatever you would like with this pi symbol mold. The design even allows for ice cubes to hook on to the side of a glass.

Find it: Amazon

2. STEEL BOWL; $98


This steel bowl from UncommonGoods is perfect if you're going for a math-themed kitchen. The sleek design features the laser-cut numerals of pi wrapping around the bowl and slowly disappearing.

Find it: UncommonGoods

3. PI VS. PI SHIRT; $25


Loyal fans of Mad magazine will remember the explosive exploits found in the comic Spy vs. Spy. Now the monochromatic adversaries find new life as pi symbols on this cotton T-shirt.

Find it: Mental Floss Store

4. PI TIE; $20


This bold red tie has a secret message for anyone who looks close enough. The red jacquard design shows the first 100 digits of pi written in an appropriate old-school computer font.

Find it: ThinkGeek



Cut the pizza pie with a pi pizza cutter. The dual stainless steel blades make sure that each piece is properly sliced right through the crust.

Find it: Amazon

6. TOTE BAG; $18


At first glance, this might seem like a jumble of random mathematical symbols, but once you look closer, you'll realize there's a message for all math (and dessert) lovers.

Find it: Amazon

7. SOCKS; $10


You can grab a pair of these trendy black socks to celebrate your love of pi—and pie.

Find it: Modcloth

8. CUFF LINKS; $31


A pair of slick cuff links to match your new pi tie.

Find it: Zazzle

9. PLATES; $35


If you're going to eat some pie, it might as well be on an appropriate plate. These ironstone plates have the same expression as the tote bag above: "i eight sum pi." They're also machine washable, so go ahead and load up the banana cream.

Find it: UncommonGoods

10. SCARF; $25


This black scarf with pi symbols on it is perfect to complete your outfit.

Find it: ThinkGeek

11. PIE DISH; $28


No pie should ever be served without a pi dish. Because, come on, the joke's too easy.

Find it: Mental Floss Store

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