Proper Pastry-Eating Etiquette, According to a Royal Butler

Some rules were made to be followed.
Some rules were made to be followed. | Alexander Spatari/Moment/Getty Images

Members of the royal family follow different standards of etiquette from the rest of us. These rules dictate the way they dress (young princes can’t be seen in long pants), eat (afternoon tea is essential), and speak (you’ll never hear King Charles say the word toilet). They even have a particular way of eating pastries, as a former royal butler explains in the video below.

Grant Harrold has first-hand experience serving the British crown, according to Food & Wine. He has worked for the now-King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla as well as William and Catherine, The Prince and Princess of Wales. Today, he shares his expertise as a royal commentator on social media.

His most recent Instagram post addresses an important part of any Buckingham Palace breakfast spread: pastries. If you ever find yourself enjoying croissants with people you want to impress, Harrold recommends practicing restraint.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please remember that while having a pastry in the morning, you only take one,” he says in the video. And if you’re the host, don’t forget to offer a baked good to your guests before filling your own plate.

These tips apply to pastries in general, but scones come with their own set of rules. If you want to enjoy the British treat like Queen Elizabeth did, slather on the jam first and the clotted cream second. Here are more ways to eat and drink like the late queen.

[h/t Food & Wine]