15 Regional Words for Wintry Weather
Americans have no lack of idioms for snow and other features of winter weather. Here are 15 regional terms you should know.
Americans have no lack of idioms for snow and other features of winter weather. Here are 15 regional terms you should know.
We give you an obscure word with four definitions—one correct, three made up. Can you identify the correct one?
The phrase for being terminally online is not flattering, but it is Oxford’s Word of the Year.
Use them while you're talking turkey.
We give you an obscure word with four definitions—one correct, three made up. Can you identify the correct one?
You can binge Netflix in any room you like, but there are some key differences between these living areas.
To get to the answer, we need to discuss Latin, wooden stakes, Catherine the Great, and, of course, Shakespeare.
Solving the etymological mysteries of 'innocent,' 'disgruntled,' and other prefix-dependent words.
The origins of the term come from the Irish word for “ring.”
Parenting website BabyCenter has reported the latest news on the most popular names for boys and girls in 2024.
We give you an obscure word with four definitions—one correct, three made up. Can you identify the correct one?
See if you can spot the laudable lexicography of these famous writers.
It’s a compressing of an earlier phrase that also yielded variations like ‘nilling, willing’ and ‘william-nilliam.’
If you’re grandiloquent, then you like to use extravagant, high-flown words—precisely like the 50 verbs listed here, which either refer to everyday activities or else can be used in place of everyday words.
We give you an obscure word with four definitions—one correct, three made up. Can you identify the correct one?
Let’s sort these babies out.
Use these obscure terms to describe (or diss) the bad guy in your life.
We give you an obscure word with four definitions—one correct, three made up. Can you identify the correct one?
Some words, like ‘motel,’ ‘brunch,’ and ‘sitcom,’ are obvious portmanteaux. But the portmanteaux on this list are undercover.
As with many words, we have Latin to thank.
This common phrase is often used during times of political uncertainty, and has even been described as an ancient Chinese curse. History says otherwise, though.
Are all these new slang terms confusing you? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Some state name origins are obvious—but others pose an etymological mystery.
We give you an obscure word with four definitions—one correct, three made up. Can you identify the correct one?