Zoe Weiner
Joined: Mar 1, 2017
Zoe Weiner is a digital beauty, wellness and lifestyle journalist. She recently quit her life in New York in favor of the digital nomad lifestyle and hasn't been homesick once. She'll spend all of 2017 living and working in a different country each month with a program called @RemoteYear, and plans to spend the time testing and documenting every beauty treatment in the world for her blog, LetsJustZo. Zoe graduated with honors in magazine writing from the Columbia School of Journalism in 2015, and regularly contributes to Marie Claire, Self, Glamour, Allure, Teen Vogue, Bustle, Brides, Architectural Digest, and Fatherly.

5 Ways Travel Makes You Mentally Tougher

5 Tips for Adapting to a Non-Traditional Work Structure

11 Brilliant Resume Tricks That Worked
10 Tips for Surviving the Graveyard Shift (and the Day After)
Unfortunately, more coffee isn't the answer.
8 Tips for Staying Productive When You Work Remotely
Prove to your boss that you can be just as productive on your own time as you are when you’re chained to your desk.
5 Things You Need in Order to Thrive in an Unfamiliar Environment
When Zoe Weiner moved to Malaysia, she realized she'd need to overhaul her daily life in order to feel at home in a strange new environment.
How One Writer Packed Her Bags and Took Off for a Year as a Digital Nomad
Writer Zoe Weiner will spend the next year traveling—and working—abroad.
9 Signs You've Been in Your Job for Too Long
Don't waste any more time in a boring, draining, or dead-end position.
4 Steps to Take if You Clog a Public Toilet
Stay calm, and handle this nightmare situation with grace.
7 Tips for Eliminating Toxic People From Your Life
We all know how important it is to give our bodies a break from “toxic” food and alcohol, but what about giving ourselves a break from toxic attitudes?
Here's How Often You Should Wash 10 Grimy Household Items
Don't wait until spring cleaning to scrub down your fridge and deep clean your carpet—these 10 items should be washed on a regular basis.