In a typical Easter egg hunt, you’re looking for eggs. But these two illustrations from Replay Poker are too chock-full of eggs to require any hunting. Instead, each image harbors a different hidden object: There’s a chick in the first one, and a carrot in the second.
Once you’ve spotted both (or given up), keep scrolling to see the answers.
Spot the Chick

Spot the Carrot

The eggs above have all been duly dyed and decorated in true Easter fashion. It’s not totally clear how that became a thing, but there are plenty of theories. One idea is that Christians borrowed the custom from pagans, who were known to decorate and gift eggs—an apt symbol of new life—during their spring festivals.
Other theories are slightly more morbid. According to one Christian legend, Mary Magdalene brought a basket of eggs to share with other mourners at Jesus’s tomb, and the eggs spontaneously turned red when the tomb was revealed to be empty. In another story, the central egg-carrying Mary was Jesus’s mother, whose eggs turned red as Jesus’s blood dripped on them during his crucifixion.
Today’s pastel-colored poultry progeny give off a much more cheerful tone, especially when paired with flowers and butterflies like those in the puzzles above.
Reveal the chick and the carrot below, and try your hand at a couple other Easter-themed hidden object puzzles here and here.
Answer Key: Spot the Chick

Answer Key: Spot the Carrot