The Average Human Lifespan May Be Reaching a Plateau
Barring some dramatic medical advancements, living into your eighties remains the best-case scenario.
Barring some dramatic medical advancements, living into your eighties remains the best-case scenario.
Golden lettuce isn’t just pretty—it’s good for you, too.
Bathyphysa conifera, or the flying spaghetti monster, can grow several feet long.
A new study on tarantulas reveals surprising insights into their relationship with army ants.
What you think you know about the dodo bird is probably wrong.
It has nothing to do with red pigment.
Scientists are closer to understanding how Greenland sharks can survive for hundreds of years.
Dr. Donald “Reef” Nelson dedicated his life to studying sharks and was part of the inspiration for Matt Hooper, Richard Dreyfuss’s character from 1975's “Jaws.”
The average body temperature isn't actually 98.6°F, a fact scientists have known for at least three decades. So why does this myth persist?
The alien-looking, bloodsucking fish have cells that may form the same rudimentary nervous system we have.
The act of bringing another person into the world comes with a whole host of things you might not have anticipated, from a phenomenon called “lightning crotch” and disappearing belly buttons to unexpected excrement and so much more.
At some point, whether during the day or at night, all birds need to sleep. How do they do it?
A single number for birds’ lifespans is difficult to pin down, but the ability to fly is one of the keys to their longevity.
Foxes are highly skilled hunters, which allows them to eat a variety of small animals.
Though she died of cancer in 1951, Henrietta Lacks's immortal cells became the foundation for countless medical advancements.
It has even led to the discovery of a new species.
Opossums have a bad reputation, but they’re smarter and more beneficial to people than other woodland denizens. Discover more about these unique marsupials here.
The baby croc was the product of a mother who has spent her entire life in captivity.
Before home pregnancy tests, the most reliable test was just to wait and see. But people still wanted to know as early as possible whether they were harboring a tiny human.
Rheum, cerumen, and mucus are just a few of our gross bodily fluids.
In this video, Pang Pha the elephant is shown peeling a banana using only her trunk—a first for the species.
If you thought modern-day dating was rough, just wait until you find out how these deep-sea dwellers get it on.
We know chemistry when we feel it, but we don't always know why we're drawn to one person over another. Science has some answers … but not all of them.
The average adult human has 28 to 32 teeth, give or take a set of wisdom teeth. But besides the importance of brushing and flossing, how well do you know your chompers?