Can You Spot the UFO in This Space-Themed Brainteaser?
The truth is out there, but you may have to search every corner of the image before solving the puzzle.
The truth is out there, but you may have to search every corner of the image before solving the puzzle.
There are four pieces of jewelry hidden in this moving day scene—can you spot them all?
Do you know which author invented ‘factoid’—or what it really means? But more importantly, can you find it in this word search?
A snail and slug are hidden in this vibrant scene. Can you spot them?
If you want sugar cubes in your tea, you’ll have to hunt for them.
Usually you’re hunting for the eggs themselves—but these Easter-y hidden object games are a little different.
The world of cryptology is full of stumpers. Here are the stories behind eight especially infamous ones.
When it comes to popping the question, timing is everything—and this hidden image puzzle is a good reminder.
If you’re looking for a break from your own office job, see how long it takes you to find all six eggs in this Easter-themed brainteaser.
No matter what you’re a fan of—math, music, Star Wars—there’s probably a game like Wordle out there for you.
But don’t toss out your original Rubik’s Cube—the manufacturer will recycle it for you, free of charge.
This puzzle should satisfy your urge to snoop for presents until the holidays arrive.
These Christmas-themed offices are harboring 10 differences and one adorable elf. Can you find them all?
In this Christmas hidden object brainteaser, Hungarian artist Dudolf has concealed a single sheep amid a flock of Santas.
Wordle solutions aren’t all created equal—and if PARER was your streak-ending downfall, you’re in good company.
Because doing the daily Wordle alone on your phone sometimes just isn’t enough.
The borderline sadistic puzzle features world landmarks and attractions.
This pyramid puzzle retraces Howard Carter's footsteps in honor of the 100th anniversary of King Tut's discovery.
Spotting jack-o’-lanterns lurking in a 2D haunted house is a lot less messy than carving pumpkins yourself.
There's a doe hiding in this hidden-image brain teaser puzzle. Can you find it without looking at the solution?
This hidden image puzzle from the Hungarian artist Dudolf contains a secret mouse in a crowd of squirrels.
If you’ve been attending weddings this year nonstop, you should ace this hidden-image puzzle.
Supposedly only 5 percent of participants can do it in under a minute.
“S. lkqo. C. hgo & Tatty.” It’s gibberish to you, but not to Captain Richard Collinson.