11 Defunct Sports Teams
From the Macon Whoopees to the Piedmont-Westernport Drybugs and beyond.
Western scientists have doubted the existence of everything from the rhinoceros to the gorilla.
Let’s just say you’ll be super grateful for your toothpaste and toilet paper after watching the latest episode of The List Show.
From rabbits to butterflies, learn the surprising origins of these animal names.
In the latest episode of The List Show, we’re tackling some fun facts—and the occasional harsh truth—about the careers you imagined for yourself as a kid.
In this episode of The List Show, host and Mental Floss editor-in-chief Erin McCarthy breaks down some commonly confused pairs.
This episode of The List Show is all about why we say what we say—from the poem that gave us ‘albatross around your neck’ to the hands that gave us ‘hands down.’
Every U.S. state’s strangest Guinness World Record, from gargantuan salad fodder in Alaska to Wyoming’s longest beard chain.
History is full of jobs that are no longer needed due to technology, cultural advances, and everything in between.
From giant tubeworms to fangtoothed fish, there are tons of terrifying creatures lurking in the deep sea.
Most of the animals we’re covering in the latest episode of The List Show aren’t out to hurt you on purpose—but you still don’t want to face off with them.
We’re taking a look back at some of the weird and WTF things that happened during the aughts in the latest episode of The List Show.
Goats have accents, hippos sweat something that looks like blood, and mosquitoes love feet. In the latest episode of The List Show, host Erin McCarthy dives into 28 animal facts that are sure to make you go "WTF?"
Forget Atlantis (which probably doesn’t exist)—we’re taking a trip to nine cities that ended up underwater in the latest episode of The List Show.
The biggest, fastest, strongest animals in the world.
In the latest episode of Misconceptions, host Justin Dodd is investigating some enduring myths about journalism, from its alleged bias to premature reports of its death.
The oldest joke in recorded history is a fart joke that dates all the way back to 1900 BCE.
We’re covering practical tips (like the scent that will alert you to an impending electrical fire) to decidedly stranger ones (how to get out of a kangaroo attack) in the latest episode of The List Show.
In Hollywood, winning the Oscar for Best Picture is the highest honor a film can achieve—and we’re giving you one fun fact about all 95 of them.
From Acadia to Zion, the U.S. has some pretty majestic national parks. In the latest episode of The List Show, we’re giving you one fun fact about every single one.
Henry Ford’s car made of soybeans and Thomas Edison’s ghost-detecting telephone are just two little-known creations of history’s most famous inventors.
From what inspired Candyman and the Mothman to the tales about alligators in the sewers and killers calling from inside the house, we're breaking down the origins of popular urban legends.